Can, Mex, Am. Ch. Abbey Road's Full Moon Fever, OFA
x Ch. Blazin'
Summer Daze, CGC |
Weep not for me
now that I have passed.
Remember the laughter, the affection, the joy
Cherish the memories, our hopes and dreams.
Hold fast to the love that we shared.
Be happy with the time we spent together
and being anew.
For I am not really gone,
I am closer than ever before.
As the morning sun rises
and throughout the busy day...I am with you.
Until the setting sun disappears on the horizon
and we watch the day turn into night...I am
The stars that shine so brightly in my heavenly
help me watch over you and keep you from harm.
I am the wind in the trees
and the song of a bird.
I am moonbeams in a midnight sky
and a glorious rainbow after the storm.
I am morning dew
and freshly-fallen snow.
I am a butterfly flying overhead
and a puppy happily at play.
I am a smile on a stranger's face
a gentle touch
a warm embrace.
Listen to the wind for my message of love.
Watch the sun rise and set in the sky with me.
Open your heart to know...I am not gone.
Reach deep into your soul...You will find me.
He was
Knight in Shining Armor and the King of my Heart.
Auggie was born the only
male out of a sensational litter of four pups and I couldn't pass on the opportunity
to keep him
for myself. Besides his Princely pedigree, he carried with him his grand dam's
dark, penetrating eyes; his dam's athletic spirit and
ability; his grandsire's zest for the show ring; and his uncle's bold posture.
Most of all, Auggie possessed his sire's gentlemanly kindness.
life was full of hopes and expectations as any Prince's would be, but in my
house he was my left hand companion and gently walked in the huge paw prints
his well-known ancestors. Auggie
finished his AKC Championship in short order with many
(owner/breeder/handled) wins to be proud
of. |
Winner's Dog, GNYBF Specialty Show, 1999
Dog, GNYBF Specialty Show, 2000 (5 point major)
of Merit, GNYBF Specialty Show, 2001
at the Westminster
KC Dog Show, 2001
had a persona unique to himself. He was as soft as a flower yet strong as
a bull. His footsteps were silent yet filled with power. He always watched into the eyes of those close to his heart to be sure they
were showing comfort. Auggie had the ability to recognize hurt feelings before they occurred and
made certain his shoulder was always available for leaning on. |
the only man in the house, Auggie found himself endlessly learning his
role, watching over "the girls" and me. He always put himself of last importance and never seemed
to complain. His alluring nature gave Auggie that special "teddy-bear" charm. |
I lost my heart the day Auggie passed on. He took with him the
comfort, the Armor I felt when he was so uniquely placed in my doorways,
watching over me with the promise of safety from every angle. He
shared my pillow, my thoughts, my every day. |
He continues to touch me with every sun rise, warming my soul
with every evening sky I see my Knight, shining ever so bright. |
May God grant you always...
A sunbeam to warm you,
a moonbeam to charm you,
a sheltering Angel so nothing can harm you.
Laughter to cheer you.
Faithful friends near you.
And whenever you pray, Heaven to hear you.
Auggie's Offspring click here |
For Auggie's photo
gallery: click here |
Auggie's Pedigree click here |
SIRE: Ch. Abbey Road's Full Moon Fever,
DAM: Ch. Blazin' Summer Daze, CGC |
red |
March 29, 1998 |
M. Hannigan |
is nothing stronger in the world than gentleness" |
Suyin |

site created by M. Hannigan. Updated 2013.
problems or suggestions contact:
2002, Bulhaven Bullmastiffs - All Rights Reserved